RTIT aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of materials (technologies). This is done by building knowledge communities in the Danube region. These will be dedicated to the transfer of knowledge, technology and innovation and will facilitate commercialization by companies through the use of design management methods.
The RTIT consortium will develop a transnational action plan based on the New Industrial Strategy for Europe to accelerate the RTI transfer in the field of materials and material technologies in the Danube region. Measures for implementation and recommendations for action for decision-makers in science and business development will be developed. The strengths and advantages of the region are to be clearly presented.
In addition, new knowledge regarding RTI transfer and design management is to be communicated and brought into the region via newly established knowledge communities. All eleven demonstration partners (BA, BG, HU, ME, SI, UA) are pursuing a holistic approach in order to strengthen the transfer itself with the emerging knowledge communities. The companies are supported in their marketing with impulses on the subject of design management. There is an exchange between all partners in order to learn from each other and to strengthen the region and its companies through improved transfer and commercialization. RTIT aims to contribute to resource efficiency, sustainability and digitalization and to strengthen the resilience of companies in European value chains.